Party On! A Guide for Members of the Trump Party

Lincoln Trump GOP PartyOn

Image credit: Vox

Former House Speaker John Boehner recently proclaimed “there is no Republican Party. There is a Trump Party.” This new moniker may create some political disorientation for the party faithful. The following comparisons are offered as a public service to those GOPers wishing to understand more about their new political home.

The Party of Lincoln The Party of Trump
Known as Honest Abe Tells multiple lies every day
Used self-deprecating humor Says how smart he is
Guided nation through Civil War Has lowered level of Civil Discourse
Read books by candlelight No evidence he reads books
Used stirring words in his speech Stirs up trouble with his tweets
Referred to as the Great Emancipator Calls for locking up his political opponents
Delivered Gettysburg Address Delivered off-color remarks at Boy Scout Jamboree
“A House Divided Shall Not Stand.” Criticizes his own cabinet, the FBI, the CIA as well as leaders of his own party in congress
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” Says he asked Putin if Russia interfered in the election and he said ‘no’ and Trump believes him.
“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” A presidential purveyor of fake news and distortion
“Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our Liberties.” He has never read the Constitution, attempts to undermine Americans’ basic freedoms, and exhibits autocratic tendencies
“With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed.” Has lowest poll numbers in recent presidential history
A grateful nation honors Lincoln with DC monument Trump is monumental failure as president

Tom Coleman was an eight-term Member of Congress from Missouri and was a member of the former Republican Party