Pew: Trump Begins Third Year With Low Job Approval and Doubts About His Honesty

Pew Poll Findings

A January 18th Pew poll finds Trump with lower approval ratings at this point in his presidency than recent previous presidents had in theirs at the same point.

Trump begins his third year with a 37% job approval rating; 59% disapprove of his job performance. Of five previous presidents, only Ronald Reagan had as low a job approval mark at this point in his presidency. (Reagan’s disapproval – 54% – was lower than Trump’s.)

Having lived through this rough patch with President Reagan, I believe there are significant differences in the health of the economy of 1982 and 2018. Reagan was a victim of Jimmy Carter’s run away inflationary economy. It was only after 1982 passed into the next year did the economy perk up along with Reagan’s approval rating. The reverse happened to Trump who inherited a strong economy from President Obama.

Pew Poll

Source: Trump Begins Third Year With Low Job Approval and Doubts About His Honesty
(Pew Research Center, 1/18/19)