The Hill: America’s Most Reliable Voter: New Year, New Leaders

The Hill Coleman Clemons Over 50

America’s most reliable voters, the 50+ community, made their voices heard and newly elected officials will soon take their seats all across the nation.

What steps will a new administration and a new Congress take to assist in our health and economic recovery? And how will policymakers keep promises made to older voters?

The Hill convened elected federal, state, and municipal policymakers, and community leaders for an in-depth discussion on the priorities of older Americans, and moving the nation forward.

Hon. Tom Coleman, former Missouri Congressman and The Hill‘s Steve Clemons discuss the needs and concerns of Americans over 50 years of age on a panel sponsored by AARP. @TheHillEvents #TheHillOlderVoters

The Hill Events: America’s Most Reliable Voter: New Year, New Leaders

New Year, New Leaders: What’s Next for the 50+ Voter?, The Hill